

作者:小编    发布时间:2021-04-22    浏览量:


这款不起眼的开衫是衣柜中用途最广泛的衣服之一。 从夏季到冬季,无论您要去哪里,它都可以改变您的衣服。 作为最永恒的图层之一,您可以通过多种方式佩戴它。 名人和模特都喜欢这种针织衫,因此,这是您如何像街头风明星一样穿着开衫的毛衣。


长款开衫非常适合季节之间的穿着,是舒适与时尚的完美融合。 与穿着 牛仔裤 ,它可以与外套配合整个装备一起,或者选择短裙拉长你的腿。 如果温度处于寒冷和温暖的临界点,那么一件小牛犊长的针织衫会让您感觉舒适而不会过热。 如果温度开始下降,请选择厚实的针织物,以确保肩膀和手臂的热量有效。

Long Cardigan

Perfect for in-between seasons, the long cardigan is the right blend of comfy and chic. Worn with jeans, it can tie an entire outfit together, or opt for a short skirt with the outerwear to lengthen your legs. If the temperature is sitting at the threshold of cold and warm, a calf-length light knit piece will keep you feeling snug without overheating. If the temperature starts to drop, choose a chunky knit that secures the heat in your shoulders and arms.


选择带有披肩领的经典开衫,即可带来独特的效果。 垂饰是为 的简单方法, 休闲装 增添趣味 而又不会显得衣着过度,而且您几乎可以在任何地方佩戴它。 将此外套搭配纯色T恤和牛仔裤,或搭配皮裤和黑色卷颈,再搭配一下即可保持简洁。 这是一款用途广泛的产品,可在一年中的每个年龄段和任何季节使用。

Shawl Collar Cardigan

Put a unique spin on the classic cardigan by choosing one with a shawl collar. The draping is an easy way to spice up a casual outfit without looking overdressed, and you can wear it almost anywhere. Keep it simple by pairing this outerwear with a plain T-shirt and jeans, or up the ante with leather pants and a black roll neck. This is a versatile piece that works at every age and in any season of the year.


系扣开衫将其带回到经典中。 无论您是翻新传统外观,还是在风格上融入现代元素,这都是 永恒的一件衣服 每一个衣橱里 。 对于新衣服,请穿外套作为上衣,并与牛仔裤一起晃动,或与衬衫,高领毛衣和裙子搭配,以备秋季使用。 试用豹纹,蓝色,条纹和粉红色等图案和颜色-这种有趣的针织品没有规则。

Button-up Cardigan

Take it back to the classics with a button-up cardigan. Whether you rock the traditional look, or you put a modern spin on the style, this is a timeless piece of clothing that belongs in every wardrobe. For a fresh outfit, wear the outerwear as a top and rock it with jeans, or layer with shirts or rollnecks and skirts for the autumn-ready ensemble. Experiment with patterns and colors like leopard, blues, stripes, and pinks – there are no rules with this fun knitwear.


当水银滴落时,用粗大的针织物将缝口收拾起来。 从长到短,以及介于两者之间的所有内容,这件外套都是对服装的绝佳修饰,是保持身体温暖的理想方法。 从经典样式到击打长度,这一别致的层都不会出错。

Chunky Knit Cardigan

When the mercury drops, take things up a notch in chunky knits. From long to short, and everything in between, this outerwear is a great finishing touch to an outfit, and is an ideal way to keep your body warm. From the classic style to floor-hitting length, you can’t go wrong with this chic layer.


谁说开襟羊毛衫是寒冷月份所独有的? 用短袖替代针织衫炫耀您的手臂,然后看着赞美一下。通过扣中间的中心并用一条 完成外观,将这一层变成一整套服装 妈妈牛仔裤 。 通过将夏季连衣裙或A字裙与心形连衣裙搭配来保持情趣,您将可以在电影中野餐或约会。

Short-Sleeve Cardigan Sweater

Who says cardigans are exclusive to the colder months? Show off your arms with a short-sleeve alternative to the knitwear, and watch as the compliments fly in. Turn the layer into a whole outfit by buttoning up the center and finishing the look off with a pair of mom jeans. Keep it flirty by pairing a summery dress or an A-line skirt with the cardi, and you’ll be set for a picnic or a date at the movies.


从 抽出一片叶子,方法 Bella Hadid的 书中 是扣上一件九分的开衫毛衣,然后搭配一条直腿牛仔裤和运动鞋来修饰服装。 作为替代方案, 铅笔裙 下摆 或高腰宫殿式裤子搭配褶皱纽扣式 是一种轻松时尚而又不穿太多款的方式。 对于那些从工作去参加聚会或试图为衣橱增添色彩的人来说,这是一个绝佳的选择。

Cropped Cardigan Sweater

Take a leaf out of Bella Hadid’s book by buttoning up a cropped cardigan sweater and completing the outfit with a pair of straight-leg jeans and sneakers. As an alternative, a pencil skirt or high-waisted palazzo pants with a tucked-in button-down jumper is an effortless way to look chic and stylish without wearing too much. This is an excellent option for those who are going from work to a party, or who are trying to spice up their wardrobe.


当寒气袭来时,您要感到舒适并穿着开襟羊毛衫。 作为外套的永恒选择,这是舞者的典型装束,既使他们保持温暖,又留有足够的活动空间。 从长款针织衫或短款毛衣中进行选择-它们是轻松抵御寒冷的一种方法。

Wrap Cardigan Sweater

When the chill hits you hard, get comfortable and snug in a wrap cardigan. As a timeless option for outerwear, this is a typical outfit ensemble for dancers, keeping them warm but leaving ample room to move. Choose from long-line knitwear or a cropped sweater – they’re an effortless way to keep the cold at bay.


光滑的开衫将您的服装提升到一个新的水平。 无论您喜欢长还是短的衣服,都取决于您,但这件针织衫可以使您穿着的任何外观都更加光彩夺目。 穿上一双高腰喇叭裤,将纽扣一直穿到上,或者在中间扣紧几根,其余的则松开,从而打造一条细腰-这将突出您的腰部并形成沙漏形。 单色是轻松呈现时尚外观的简便方法,而披肩领有助于使您看起来更加时尚。

Plus Size Cardigan Sweater

Take your outfit to the next level with a sleek cardigan. Whether you prefer something long or short it is up to you, but this knitwear will polish off any look you’re wearing. Don the buttons all the way up with a pair of high-waisted flares, or create a tiny waist by keeping a few fastened in the middle and the rest undone – this will emphasize your waist and create an hourglass shape. Monochrome is an easy way to look instantly stylish, and a shawl collar helps make you look even chicer.



没有 更好的 休闲装 比穿牛仔裤和可爱上衣 了。 要将外观搭配在一起,请添加开襟衫,以打到您的臀部或就在下面。 这使外观令人兴奋,并在整体合奏中添加了额外的一层。 选择 单色配色 方案,或以醒目的粗壮针织物从其余部分中脱颖而出。 一种使它看起来迷人的简单方法是裸露一个肩膀或在下面穿上一个短款上衣。


There’s no better way to dress casual than in a pair of jeans and a cute top. To tie the look together, add a cardigan that hits your hips or sits just below. This keeps the look exciting and adds an extra layer to the overall ensemble. Opt for a monochrome color scheme, or stand out from the rest in a chunky knit in a bold color. An easy way to make it look glam is by rocking one shoulder bare or wearing a crop top underneath.


对于 半正式 场合,开衫是从白天到晚上的简便方法。 如果您要离开办公室,请选择 铅笔裙 和修身的上衣–添加七分夹克,这样您就可以开始工作了。 对于公司活动,请选择一条颜色如沙色或奶油色且系扣子的高腰古式裤子。


For semi-formal occasions, a cardigan is an easy way to go from day into night. If you’re stepping out from the office, pick a pencil skirt and slim-line top – add a cropped jacket, and you’re set. For a corporate event, opt for a pair of high waisted palazzo pants in a color like sand or cream with a button-down.


带着可爱的羊毛衫从咖啡店拿到办公室。 搭配一条黑色长裤和一件衬衫,保持简单,或者换上工作裤换成牛仔裤,之后您可以迅速出门喝酒。 为何不试试传统的打底裤,为什么不试试长长的百褶裙,用细皮带束腰呢? 穿上这种工作服的方法有很多,您每天都可以穿着相同的针织衫尝试不同的服装,看起来您已经准备好晋升。

Business Casual

Take it from the coffee shop to the office in a cute cardigan. Keep it simple with a pair of black trousers and a shirt, or swap out work pants for jeans and you can quickly head out for drinks afterward. Rather than the traditional work bottoms, why not try a long pleated skirt, and cinch your waist in with a thin belt? There are so many ways to wear this look for work, and you can try a different outfit every day with the same knitwear and look like you’re ready for a promotion.


无论您是参加 婚礼 还是去看歌剧,开襟衫都是将服装搭配在一起的简便方法。 从bolero风格到加长除尘器,这件外套是在寒冷月份保暖的理想方法。 增添 的时尚感 单色外观 ,或穿着带有超大袖子的针织衫大放异彩。 这也是将 的快速而优雅的方法 半正式的 服装变成适合花式活动 。


Whether you’re attending a wedding or you’re going to the opera, a cardigan is an easy way to tie an outfit together. From a bolero-style to a long duster, this outerwear is an ideal way to keep warm during the colder months. Add a chic feel with a monochrome look, or go wild in knitwear with oversized sleeves. This is also a quick and classy way to turn semi-formal attire into something fit for a fancy event.


根据天气和您要去的活动,您可以采用多种方法穿着开衫。 一个经典的主意是牛仔裤和T恤,但您始终可以通过在下面穿另一件毛衣或针织衫来将其混搭-这具有很高的时尚风险,并具有最大的收益。 穿短裙搭配长外套和大腿高筒靴,使腿看起来长一英里-用皮带束腰,看起来就像明星。 有时候,您可以扣紧编织物的中心,然后在下面晃动不动。 该层没有任何规则,可以玩一些并尝试一下。

What to Wear Under a Cardigan

Depending on the weather and the event you’re heading to, there’s a myriad of ways you can dress in a cardigan. A classic idea is jeans and a T-shirt, but you can always mix it up by wearing another sweater or knitwear underneath – it’s a high fashion risk with the ultimate payoff. Make your legs look a mile long by wearing a short dress with long outerwear and thigh-high boots – cinch your waist using a belt, and you’ll look like a star. There are times where you can button up the center of the knit and rock nothing underneath. There are no rules with this layer, have some fun and experiment a bit.


根据外套的设计,开衫应该很舒适。 从超大号到舒适款式,最好都适当调整肩膀。 力图使接头不太紧,以至于您无法移动,但又不要太松,因此会脱落。 扣中间的按钮时,请选择不会拉大胸部的尺寸。 但是,如果确实如此,请使其撤消并在下面穿一些东西。

How Should a Cardigan Fit?

Depending on the design of the outerwear, a cardigan should be comfortable. From oversized to snug styles, it’s best to keep the shoulders appropriately tailored. Aim to make the fit not too tight so you can’t move, but not too loose, so it falls off. When buttoning up the center, opt for a size that doesn’t strain across the chest. If it does, though, keep it undone and wear something underneath.


    演奏时要对比长度。 短裙搭配长开衫看起来很棒。
    在决定穿什么衣服时,尝试使用不同的图案和颜色。 您的开衫可以成为您着装的特色。

How to Wear a Cardigan

    Play with contrasting lengths. A short skirt looks fantastic with a long cardigan.
    Cinch your waist with a cropped cardigan, high waisted pants or a belt – it’s a cute way to look put together and stylish.
    Adding a cardigan to a semi-formal dress code is a great way to look on point while staying warm.
    Cardigans aren’t exclusive to one season – wear it throughout the year and experiment a bit.
    Try different patterns and colors when deciding what to wear. Your cardigan can be the statement piece of your outfit.



如果您购买中性色的优质开衫,则可能会在几乎所有物品上佩戴它。 有多种样式和长度可供选择,包括开襟外套,长款或短款。 要注意的几个站点提供了多个选项,包括ASOS,Nordstrom,Net-a-Porter,Boohoo和Matches Fashion。

Where can I buy good cardigans?

If you purchase a good-quality cardigan in a neutral color, you will likely be able to wear it over almost everything you own. There are various styles and lengths to choose from, including a wrap cardigan sweater, a long one, or a cropped version. A few sites to be aware of that offer several options include ASOS, Nordstrom, Net-a-Porter, Boohoo, and Matches Fashion.


开襟羊毛衫的美在于其多功能性,可以轻松地与多种服装搭配搭配。 例如,牛仔裤,T恤或较长的开衫可以搭配短裙和大腿高筒靴搭配使用。 您可以尝试不同的分层选项,并从中获得乐趣。 羊毛衫还可以很好地适应各种不同的环境,无论您是选择商务休闲装还是只是想在出差时都想穿些衣服。

What do cardigans look good with?

The beauty of cardigans is their versatility, and they can be easily mixed and matched with several garments. A few examples of how to wear them include jeans and a T-shirt or a longer cardigan can be paired with a short dress and thigh-high boots. You can experiment with different layering options and have fun. Cardigans also lend themselves well to a variety of different settings, whether you're opting for a business casual look or simply want something to throw over your outfit while you go about your errands.


开襟羊毛衫是一种具有开放式前襟的针织服装,它是您可以拥有的功能最丰富的外套之一。 您可以将其与智能连衣裙,牛仔裤,T恤,高腰裤子或铅笔裙等所有商品搭配使用。 关键是要考虑比例,并且要有不同的长度。

What do women wear with cardigans?

A cardigan is a type of knitted garment with an open front, and it is one of the most versatile outerwear options you can own. You can pair it with everything from a smart dress, jeans, a T-shirt, high-waisted pants, or a pencil skirt. The key is to consider proportions and play with contrasting lengths.


羊毛衫已成为永恒而经典的外套,在春季和秋季这样的过渡月份尤其受欢迎。 各种各样的不同选项,包括所有颜色,几种样式和不同的长度,使它成为分层的理想选择。

Are cardigans back in style?

Cardigans have become a timeless and classic piece of outerwear that is especially popular to wear during transitional months like spring and fall. The wide variety of different options, including all colors, several styles, and varying lengths, make this the perfect item to layer.


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