

作者:小编    发布时间:2021-04-23    浏览量:


您是要去悠闲约会还是参加聚会,并且不确定如何“非正式地”着装? 尽管这是最简单的着装要求,但正确起来可能很复杂。 如果您是运动鞋,裙子,牛仔裤和上装的爱好者,那么无论您打算去哪里,这里都是适合时尚女士的最佳休闲装!
Are you heading to a laid-back date or a party and you’re not sure how to dress ‘informally’? While it’s the most straightforward dress code to choose from, it can be complicated to get right. If you’re a fan of sneakers and skirts or jeans and a nice top, here are the best casual outfits for stylish ladies – no matter where you’re going!


前往农夫市场或时装T台模特秀从未如此出色。 一件简单的T恤可让您脱颖而出,并搭配一条大胆的裤子和靴子,让您随时随地都可以穿起来。 如果您喜欢更女性化的风格,那么可爱的裙子和绑带凉鞋绝对不会出错。 添加大胆的配件以完成外观,几乎可以为任何活动做好准备!

Heading to the farmer’s market or a runway show has never looked so good. A simple T-shirt can take the edge off a fancy outfit – rock it with a pair of bold pants and boots, and you’ll be ready to go anywhere. If you prefer a more feminine style, you can’t go wrong with a cute skirt and strappy sandals. Add bold accessories to complete the look, and you’ll be ready for almost any event!


如果您和朋友们一起晚饭吃晚饭,并且不想脱下连帽衫,请不要担心。 换下运动服裤子,选择中 长裙 ,靴子或mu子。 当温度下降时,为什么不穿一条皮裤试穿呢? 穿多层衣服是穿上好衣服的关键-穿上连帽衫或运动衫,或者添加一条粗大的项链,这样您就可以在白天或黑夜中穿梭。

Tops & Hoodies
If you’re running late to dinner with friends and you don’t want to take off your hoodie, have no fear. Swap out your tracksuit pants for a midi skirt and boots or mules. When the temperature drops, why not try it on with a pair of leather pants? Playing with layers is the key to a great outfit – tuck in your hoodie or a sweatshirt or add a chunky necklace so you can go from day to night in an instance.


还有什么比牛仔裤和上衣更好的衣服? 搭配喇叭形外套和印花衬衫,引导您70年代的内心模特儿。 搭配短款上衣展现您的肩膀,或搭配醒目的牛仔布和高跟鞋来修饰您的肩膀。 如果您正要去吃饭,请把运动鞋换成便鞋或细高跟鞋。 这将立即轻松提升您的外观。

What better outfit is there than jeans and a nice top? Channel your inner ’70s model in a pair of flares and a printed shirt. Showcase your shoulder with a crop top, or switch things up with statement denim and killer heels. If you’re on your way to dinner, swap out your sneakers for loafers or stilettos. This will instantly elevate your look casually.


迷你裙,长裙以及介于两者之间的所有东西-有时您无法击败经典裙子。 将T恤塞入中长裙摆,并混合您的图案,大胆外观。 晃动一双粗大的靴子和套头毛衣即可使衣服焕然一新-在过渡季节,您可以穿上这套服装,而不必大惊小怪。 摆上精致的配饰,例如吊式耳环或优雅的手镯,您就可以立刻从咖啡馆到办公室!

Minis, maxis and everything in between – sometimes you just can’t beat a classic skirt. Tuck a T-shirt into the mid-length skirt and mix up your patterns for a bold look. Freshen up an outfit by rocking a pair of chunky boots and a jumper – you can wear this ensemble during the transitional seasons without a fuss. Up the ante with delicate accessories like drop earrings or an elegant bracelet and you can go from a cafe to the office in no time!


穿着可爱,飘逸的连衣裙,享受温暖的日子。 无论您是喜欢大胆的图案还是亚麻混纺,都无法在休闲的环境中击败可爱的连衣裙。 根据情况,您可以通过简单的配饰来打扮这件衣服。 选择可爱的 中 i, 开衫 和 凉鞋 腰 –用超大的皮带束紧腰部,您会被误认为超级名模!

Enjoy the warmer days in a lovely, flowing dress. Whether you’re a fan of bold patterns or a linen blend, you can’t beat a cute frock in a casual setting. Depending on the occasion, you can dress up or down this outfit with simple accessories. Opt for a cute midi, cardigan, and sandals – cinch your waist with an oversized belt, and you’ll get mistaken for a supermodel!


如果水银滴落而您感觉很冷,那么便便是休闲外套了。 从大衣外套到牛仔夹克,有很多简单的方法可以使您保持敬酒的风格。 如果您穿着单色,请选择大声的颜色,或者在 中将自己与其他人区分开 全白的合奏 。 与您的阴影混合搭配,并尽情发挥,打造出极致的高级时装。

Jackets & Coats
If the mercury drops and you’re feeling rather chilly, casual outerwear is the way to go. From duster coats to denim jackets, there are many easy ways you can stay toasty and do it in style. Opt for a loud color if you’re wearing monochrome, or set yourself apart from the rest in an all-white ensemble. Mix and match with your shades and play with lengths to establish the ultimate high fashion outfit.


在随意穿衣方面,舒适度是关键。 在过渡和寒冷的月份,请享受厚实针织衫的温暖和款式。 超大泡泡袖适合搭配牛仔裤或迷你裙,而高领搭配pinafore或 最适合 midi裙则 。 换下运动鞋换上一双大腿高的靴子和紧身裤,看起来就像刚走出跑道。

When it comes to dressing casually, comfort is key. During transitional and colder months, enjoy the warmth and style of chunky knitwear. Oversized puff sleeves are fantastic with jeans or a mini skirt, and a rollneck looks best with a pinafore or a midi skirt. Swap out your sneakers for a pair of thigh-high boots and tights, and you’ll look like you just stepped off the runway.


虽然休闲服装着重于衣服,但重要的是不要忘记鞋子。 子,平底鞋,凉鞋和运动鞋–如果您热衷于舒适而不牺牲款式,它们都是不错的选择。 在选择适合您合奏的一种颜色或对比色的鞋中做出表述-这是一种轻松完成装扮的简单方法。

While casual dressing draws a lot of focus on clothes, it’s essential to not forget about the footwear. Mules, flats, sandals, and sneakers – they’re all great options if you’re keen on comfort without sacrificing style. Make a statement in a shoe that picks up on one of the colors of your ensemble, or in a contrasting shade – it’s an easy way to up the ante with your outfit with going over the top.

When to Wear Casual Outfits?


白天旅行时,请保持舒适。 阔腿裤和乐福鞋,或低跟鞋和褶皱长袖上衣,搭配个性链项链和手袋,看起来很棒。 在温暖的日子里,建议穿着运动鞋或低跟短靴的印花连衣裙。 至于头饰,岩石发夹,简约的耳环和太阳镜。

Casual Daytime
When heading out for the day, keep it comfy. Wide leg pants and loafers or low heel pumps with a tucked-in long sleeve top look great with a statement chain necklace and bag. For warmer days, go for a printed dress with sneakers or low heel booties. As for the head accessories, rock hairpins, minimal earrings, and sunglasses.


无论您是去夜市还是朋友的生日聚会,都可以穿上带有花哨的休闲装。 中长裙 是让自己保持舒适同时看起来难以置信的时尚的简便方法。 略带褶皱的高领衫或超大号的系扣设计,营造出完美外观。 如果您更喜欢穿裤子,则在明亮的阴影下晃动亮片套装,穿上70年代经典款。 使用不同长度和纹理的游戏有助于在不抬头的情况下为您的衣服增添深度。

Casual Evening Events
Whether you’re going to a night market or a friend’s birthday party, you can don a casual outfit with a fancy twist. Midi skirts are an easy way to keep yourself comfy while looking incredibly stylish. Complete the look with a skimming rollneck or an oversized button-down. If you prefer to wear pants, put a spin on an ’70s classic by rocking a sequin suit in a bright shade. Playing with different lengths and textures helps create depth to your outfit without looking over the top.


与您重要的其他人度过一整夜,而又不牺牲舒适度。 可爱的搭配高领毛衣,向90年代Versace致敬-搭配一双细高跟鞋,打造完美外观。 换上一件系带T恤的纽扣衬衫,穿上皮革铅笔裙和牛仔夹克。 您可以快速搭配一对吊式耳环或大胆的红色嘴唇,在休闲装上营造浪漫气氛。

Casual Date Night
Spend the night with your significant other in style, without sacrificing on comfort. A cute coordinate with a rollneck plays homage to ’90s Versace – complete the look with a pair of stilettos, and you’re set. Swap out a button-down shirt with a band T-shirt, slip on a leather pencil skirt and a denim jacket. You can quickly put a romantic spin on a laidback look with a pair of drop earrings or bold red lip.


    玩得开心! 穿上衣服会让你快乐轻松。

How to Wear Casual Outfits

    Comfort is key – remember to feel cozy when you’re dressing casually.
    Jeans is a great place to start for a casual outfit.
    Play with layers for the best transitional season outfit.
    Mix and match with textures for a laidback feel.
    Have some fun! Dress to make you happy and relaxed.


休闲服装指的是舒适和放松的外观。 这通常包括非正式服装,例如牛仔裤,T恤,甚至是裙子。 举例来说,一件简单的T恤可以使外观打扮得井井有条,而不必穿得更高级。
What does a casual outfit mean?
Casual outfits refer to a look that is comfortable and relaxed. This usually consists of informal garments like jeans, a T-shirt, and even skirts. A simple T-shirt, for example, can dress down a look, taking the edge off a fancier outfit.

休闲是指每天都可以穿着且放松的服装。 他们在一起的时间不应该超过几分钟,并且具有非常悠闲的审美观。 您可以选择可爱的休闲装,休闲时尚装或商务休闲装,它们结合了非正式但时尚的物品,并可以通过外观来彰显您的个性。
What are the types of casual wear?
Casual refers to outfits that are relaxed and can be worn every day. They should not take more than a few minutes to pull together and have a very laid-back aesthetic. You can have cute casual, casual chic, or business casual, all of which combine informal but stylish items and allow you to show off your personality with your looks.

穿休闲装真的很简单。 您要专注于合身性,舒适性和一些关键要点。 T恤就是一个很好的例子,因为您可以轻松地将它打扮得井井有条。 您可以将其戴在西装外套下以打造商务休闲外观,或将其与可爱的裙子搭配使用,营造出女性化却又不拘小节的外观。 牛仔裤也很棒,可以搭配漂亮的上衣,裙子(从迷你到超长)都可以搭配T恤,粗大的针织衫甚至是简单的上衣。
How do you dress casual?
Dressing casual is really quite simple. You want to focus on the fit, comfort, and a few key staples. A T-shirt is a wonderful example, as you can easily dress it up or down. You can wear it underneath a blazer for a business casual look, or pair it with a cute skirt for a feminine yet informal appearance. Jeans are also great and can be paired with a nice top, and skirts -- everything from mini to maxis -- can be worn with T-shirts, chunky knits, and even a simple top.

休闲装并不意味着它马虎,并且您应始终注意其合身性和比例。 例如,如果您打算穿妈妈牛仔裤,则可以通过更合身的上衣来平衡比例。 如果您选择紧身牛仔裤,那么可以选择宽松款式。 紧身或七分夹克在飘逸连衣裙上看起来很棒,选择有限的调色板也会带来更精致的感觉。
How can I look stylish but casual?
A casual outfit doesn't mean it's sloppy, and you should always pay attention to the fit and proportion. For example, if you intend to wear mom jeans, balance out the proportion with a more fitted top. If you are opting for skinny jeans, then you can opt for a loose fit. Tighter or cropped jackets look great over flowy dresses and choosing a limited color palette also creates a more sophisticated feel.



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